The importance of sleep lies in the physiological changes that allow for repair, clean-up, and solidifying memory networks. Sleep is like a ‘road closure’ needed to […]
Sleep is an often underestimated part of our lives. Even after considering the importance of sleep as being touted and hammered into our psyche by medical […]
When speaking of biology, the trait associated with attention deficit disorder is the inability to habituate to unnecessary data. A fundamental aspect of sleep is to […]
Nature vs Nurture There are a couple of components of ADHD to consider: 1) Being hyperaware (focus and awareness are diametric opposites) 2) There appears to […]
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition no expert can fully describe. A lifetime’s understanding of psychology, philosophy, biology (neurobiology, sleep biology), sociology, economy, physics, […]